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| The Party Branch of Anqing Branch organized the theme Party Day activities of "Remembering revolutionary Martyrs and promoting Revolutionary Spirit"

Release time: 2023-07-03 14:32:58 Source: Anqing Branch Page views: 4388

为庆祝中国共产党建党102周年On July 1, the Party branch of Anqing Branch organized the theme Party Day activities of "Remembering revolutionary martyrs and promoting revolutionary spirit"。

In front of the memorial plaque of the Dabie Mountain Martyrs' Cemetery, Zhang Shibin, secretary and manager of the Party branch, led all Party members and Party members to line up neatly to bow in silence to the martyrs and review the oath of joining the Party。

We have visited the Dabie Mountain martyrs Cemetery, the original Heart mission Hall, the former residence of Wang Buwen and the memorial hall of the former headquarters of the Second Independent Division of the Red Army Central Committee。Through a piece of cultural relics, a photo, and a story, we have an in-depth understanding of the glorious history of revolutionary martyrs who fought bloody battles for the revolutionary cause in the war years。

Through this activity, we have further strengthened our ideals and beliefs, and have said that in the future work, based on their own positions, in promoting the company's transformation and upgrading and high-quality development to show new actions, and strive to write their own times。(Writer: Xu Cunliang)

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