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The first construction company organized a meeting to mobilize the project audit

Release time: 2024-03-09 09:45:53 Source: Audit Department Number of page views: 1719

On the morning of March 8, the first construction company held a meeting on Fuyang Longxi Manor project audit mobilization, the company's party committee members, deputy general manager, chairman of the trade union Ye Heyong attended the meeting, the head of the audit Department Yan Haotian presided over the meeting。

  The meeting first read out a notice on the completion of the audit of the Longxi Manor project, and the person in charge of the Fuyang branch made a statement, saying that he would fully cooperate with the audit team。

Ye Heyong put forward five requirements for the audited units,He stressed,The first is toAttach great importance to improving political standingThe branch company and the project department should attach great importance to this audit work, unify the thinking, and grasp this audit work as an important work at present。The second is to actively cooperate and truly reflect。Identify docking personnel,Submit information on time,The reported materials need to be signed and approved by the responsible leader and the branch manager,The branch company and the project department shall follow the list of audit data,Actively claim tasks,Within the prescribed time limit,Provide relevant information as required,We will not avoid problems or shirk responsibilities,Be real and objective,Not fail to declare,Make no secret of,True project cost and process control,Check for gaps and make up for omissions。Is active communication, timely feedback。In the audit process, the audit team should dare to find problems, but also to analyze problems, put forward reasonable suggestions, actively communicate, and timely feedback from the audited objects, so as to make reforms, draw lessons from one another, establish a long-term audit mechanism, strive for a qualitative breakthrough in audit results, and show a new look of audit work。It is to deepen the application of audit results and improve the management level。Take this audit as an opportunity,The audit team and the project department listen to each other's opinions and suggestions,Carefully examine the problems and gaps in project management,Improve management awareness, management level,Refresh the system and process in time,Improve the branch management system,Continue to promote comprehensive reform,Strive to achieve the high quality development of Fuyang branch。Fifth, we will tighten audit discipline and form a working mechanism。The audit team should be serious about audit discipline, work discipline and life discipline, be good at thinking, not be bound by the process, keep an eye on the problem, dare to face the contradiction, dare to act hard, and check to the end, the audit team members should regularly schedule communication and form a working mechanism。

Members of the leading team of Fuyang Branch, the person in charge of the Finance section, the project manager and all the staff of the audit team attended the meeting。


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