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Hefei Construction Investment held a special project management meeting

Release time: 2024-04-30 14:35:10 Source: Construction work one Jian Page views: 1115

      In order to earnestly implement the "Project Management Strengthening Year" work deployment of Construction Engineering Group and strive to create high-quality project management work, Hefei Construction and Investment Corporation held a special project management meeting on April 27, 2024。
  At the meeting, the project leader introduced in detail the project progress at the present stage of the project, the recovery of engineering funds and the cost situation, and reported on the current difficulties and solutions of the project。
  Meeting requirements, one is to strengthen the project process cost control, standardize sub-contract settlement;The second is to further accelerate the progress of the final accounts of the unfinished projects;The third is to formulate various management systems for Hefei Construction and Investment to ensure that all work is institutionalized, standardized and efficient。
  The meeting emphasized that the first is to establish the management concept of "cost is on, revenue is on";Secondly, the legal consciousness runs through the whole construction process;The third is to create a good atmosphere for all employees to operate。
  Hefei construction and investment Management Department, the head of the undergraduate attended the meeting。(Writer: Dai Lihong)

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